E' Yearn Retinol Multi-Peptide Essence Facial Skin Care

€32.95 €30.00
Item number: SCPREMP0005

Introducing our new product line of E'Yearn products.

E'Yearn Retinol Multi-Peptide Essence Facial Kit

A natural plant extract fully vegan facial kit. E'Yearn new vegan friendly age-defying beauty essentials are made for the sensitve and dry skin.

This 11-piece facial set specially formulated ,has given salons across asia the most accepted responses and acreditations. 


How to begin your 8 step facial session:

1. Wash the face with warm water and bloth dry to open up the pores

2. Apply the *Facial Cleaner* to remove impurities ,dirt and dead skin.

3. Apply the *Skin Care* lotion to protect the skin and keep elasticity

4. Carefully extract the *Peptide Solution Mask* from the vile with the pincet (included) and expand to be placed on the face. Leave on for 15min to 30min, letting the serum peptide to be fully absorbed.

5. Apply the  *Eye Cream* under the eye to sooth and relief eye bags.

6. Apply the *Essence Liquid* on the face

7. Seal the radiance with the *Facial Milk*

8. Apply the *Facial Cream*  to finalize the treathment

Steps can be repeated every 7 days.


  • 1x Facial Cleanser   100gr
  • 1x Skincare Lotion   120ml
  • 4x Facial Mask         25ml
  • 1x Eye Cream          30gr
  • 1x Essence Liquid    30ml
  • 1x Facial Milk        100ml
  • 1x Facial  Cream       50g